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Barnsley Main Seam


Barnsley Main Seam was Pearse Hutchinson’s first collection of poems in English since 1985. Among its various themes are places the author has lived and travelled in; love and friendship; love and sex; colour-prejudice; and the sufferings and resilience of Catalans, Jews, Africans, and Irish.

The long title poem celebrates the splendours of York Minster and is a homage to the manual workers of all times and countries and, specifically, England. The book contains extended meditations and succinct observations, and there are in pastoral and civic poems echoes and cross-references from one piece to another. Barnsley Main Seam serves to bind, and enhance, a unique body of work, recorded with passion and lyric grace over more than half a century.

Year Published: 1995
Details: 64pp
ISBN PBK: 978 1 85235 155 7
ISBN HBK: 9978 1 85235 156 4

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