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Grace Wilentz

With a sharp eye for the unusual, pitch perfect language and strong end lines, [The Limit of Light] is an impressive debut.

— Iggy McGovern, Dublin Review of Books

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Grace Wilentz was born in New York City and grew up in Greenwich Village. A graduate of Harvard University, with postgraduate degrees from Oxford University and University College Dublin, she has published poems in The American Poetry Journal, Cyphers, The Harvard Advocate, The Irish Times and The Seneca Review.  She moved to Ireland in 2005 to study the Irish language and became an Irish citizen in 2015.

Grace’s first collection, The Limit of Light, was published by The Gallery Press in October 2020 and went on to be named one of the best books of the year in The Irish Independent and The Irish Times. In 2019 she published a chapbook, Holding Distance, and received a bursary from The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. In 2021 she received the Arts Council’s Next Generation Award. Grace is the inaugural writer-in-residence at the University of Notre Dame’s Dublin Global Gateway. She has taught Creative Writing at UCD and now lives in The Liberties of Dublin. Grace’s second collection, Harmony (Unfinished) will be published in October 2024.

Virtual launch of The Limit of Light

Grace Wilentz titles

Harmony (Unfinished)

Harmony (Unfinished)

Taking us from Ireland to Brazil and back again, with a few diversions, the poems in Harmony (Unfinished)reveal a gentle sensibility: ‘That night we saw / the moon is born in the river.’

€11.95 pb
€18.50 hb

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