Padraic McIntyre
Padraic McIntyre is a native of Bailieborough, County Cavan, where he lives with his family. He trained as an actor at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff and has an MA in Theatre Studies from DCU.
Between 2004 and 2017, as Artistic Director of Livin’ Dred Theatre Company, he directed twenty-two productions. He has worked as an actor throughout the UK and Ireland on both stage and screen.
Writing credits include The Little Dance Girl, Carnival at Glenaduff, A Holy Show, The King of Ireland’s Son, The Lost Weekend, The Hero of the Half Acre and Cuckoo Connolly’s Curious Clock Shop. The Gallery Press published The Night Joe Dolan’s Car Broke Down in 2018, a play that has been a phenomenally popular fixture in Ireland’s theatrical calendar.
He is Theatre Manager at The Ramor Theatre, Virginia, County Cavan.
The Night Joe Dolan’s Car Broke Down
Since its first production in 2010 The Night Joe Dolan’s Car Broke Down has been a phenomenally popular fixture in Ireland’s theatrical calendar.
On a stormy St Stephen’s Night people wait in The Glenaduff Inn to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of The Horse Munley. Some hours later a knock on the door heralds new drama, but the following morning lines blur between what actually happened and what has been imagined or wished for.
€11.95 pb