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Become a Friend of The Gallery Press

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We invite you to become a ‘Friend of The Gallery Press’.

In challenging times for literary publishing we are hoping to build our list of ‘Standing Orders’ of those who will commit, for the next three years, to buy hardbacks of each new title (excluding limited editions). For this commitment we will offer a 30% discount and will cover delivery charges (within Ireland – unfortunately we have to charge outside Ireland). Further, we’ll give advance notice of special limited editions and will, from time to time, send signed copies of our new titles. Recently we have been pleased to present signed copies of new books by Kevin Graham, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Tom French and Vona Groarke among others.

We estimate that the cost to you per annum for the ten or twelve first editions of poetry and, occasionally drama and essays, we publish each year will be circa €160 (of list price of circa €230). We hope you would feel some satisfaction in having these handsome first editions and in helping to ensure that The Gallery Press continues, after fifty-four years, into the future. We celebrated our 50th anniversary on 6 February 2020.

If you’d like to hear more about this please fill in the form below and we will be in touch.

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