Gift Vouchers from The Gallery Press
€10.00 – €200.00
The ease and immediacy of a Voucher
Gift shopping for a friend, a family member or a colleague is not always easy. If you choose a Gallery Press gift voucher you’ll be supporting independent Irish publishing while giving the recipient the choice of any title(s) from our website (— poetry, drama, essays, fiction. Instructions to redeem come with the Voucher which can be used for more than one transaction up to its value.
Voucher Delivery
Digital Vouchers will be delivered by email only. All vouchers are non-refundable and are given a unique reference which is generated and can only be validated by The Gallery Press.
How it works
• The buyer purchases the voucher amount required e.g.: €20, €50, €100 etc. (or manually enter the amount. Minimum €10.00).
• The buyer enters recipient name and email and completes the purchase.
• The recipient will receive a 16 digit voucher code via email e.g.: “Gift Card code: XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-1234”
• To use the voucher simply enter (copy and paste) the code on the website where: “Have a gift card? Click here to enter your code” appears.
• The recipient can use the discount code once there is credit available. (Voucher balances can be checked on request).
Note: An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection is used for all of our credit card transactions, and all is secure.